Walking Dead: Road to Survival38.4.1.105358

Waking Dad

Waking Dad: Road to Survival is a game in which you must red pill your dad to wake up in the face of antif... I mean zombie hordes that want to eat people's brains. Having been raw vegans prior to the collapse of society, the zombies are now thirsting for human innards like nothing else. Unfortunately for them, the surviving few are not that happy to part with their organs, so the primary nutrients that zombies get nowadays are lead and steel, with supplements of rust.

The Walking Dead: Road to Survival

As a precaution, your band of humans has barricaded themselves in the town's square, where they have re-established a form of society similar to what you can see in any free village builder on the store. Instead of building though, you refurbish and re-purpose. But in the end, you're still doing the same thing that you were doing in Clash of Clans or whatever else you were playing several years ago on your phone.

Zombies can't help but scratch the walls, and the only time they can get a chance at a juicy thigh or crunchy ear is when you go out on missions. That's when the game becomes a highly simplistic turn-based combat game. Characters and enemies take turns attacking. Well, zombies need to spend some turns getting close, but other than that it's punching, slashing an shooting. After a successful wave, you win some supplies and maybe even get some new allies and weapons. Your partners are pretty important. Whenever teammates get chewed to death, you will have to continue without them. So you need a constant influx of recruits to stay functional.

The Walking Dead: Road to Survival

Combat also features a rock-paper-scissors type system, in which characters can have one of four traits. Each trait beats another trait, forming a circle. This system translates in increased damage from a right match but less on a mismatch or a reverse match. Otherwise, there's nothing special about the combat. The visual representation is only useful for anticipating which zombie might be too close, but you will often be fighting other human groups, in which case positioning is irrelevant.

Final Thoughts

There's no use expecting an in-depth analysis from me when it comes to money grabbing freemiums. If you enjoy the theme, well, I guess you could try and play Waking Dad, maybe you'll like it. For me though, I never found this type of gameplay to be worth for spending time watching a screen. As soon as you combine gameplay with in-app purchases you get a non-game, which is unfortunately also the case with Waking Dad.

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Downloads: 30
Updated At: 2024-10-25
Publisher: Scopely
Operating System: Android
License Type: Free